Data and facts
December 12, 1991
Research Launch Date
January 2, 1992
Commercial Registration Number
Nr. B 4703
Legal structure
GmbH (limited liability company)
The Federal German Government (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 90%)
The Free State of Saxony (5%)*
The State of Saxony-Anhalt (5%)**
Important boards
Leipzig, Halle, Magdeburg, Bad Lauchstädt (GCEF, Experimental station)
1,210 (December 2023)
Share female: 51 %
Leipzig: 986
Halle: 121
Magdeburg: 87
other locations: 16
Postgraduates and guest postgraduates: 277
Guests and assistants
Graduates (master, bachelor): 40
Interns: 29
Guests scientists: 381
Student and graduate assistants: 156
Joint appointments
UFZ and universities: 44
* This institutional support is co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the Saxon State Parliament.
** This institutional support is co-financed by tax revenue on the basis of the budget approved by the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt.