Transfer News


SAFE challenge SAFE Challenge: 119 Ideas against pollutants
The SAFE Challenge by Fraunhofer IMW and UFZ for detecting and avoiding everyday pollutants has received great response. 119 creative ideas were submitted and are now being evaluated by the crowd and a jury.
Citizen Science project Citizen Science Promotes Environmental Awareness
Citizen science strengthens water protection and environmental engagement. Recent publication shows positive effects on participants and the environment, advocating for the promotion of citizen science projects.
Screenshot of HILCSA website UFZ method for sustainability assessment
Leipzig startup TRASH GALORE pioneers UFZ's HILCSA method for holistic event sustainability assessment. The method integrates ecological, economic, and social aspects, addressing 14 UN SDGs. Licensing available since March 2024.
UFZ StartUp Office Tapping the entrepreneurial potential at UFZ
Strategic cooperation between the UFZ and the HoMe start-up service at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences launched in 2021 draws positive conclusions
Intrapore First field trial with TrapOx® zeolites
Together with the company Intrapore, the UFZ has tested TrapOx® zeolites as an in-situ material for the first time. The whole thing took place as part of the BMBF-funded ContaSorb project.
transfun® logo ©UFZ Review of transfun® successful
The new funding programme at the UFZ strengthens cooperation with companies to develop new products.
CONSUN BEET Hackathon Sustainable utilisation of sugar beet residues
UFZ and DBFZ team wins CONSUN BEET Hackathon - a competition for innovative ideas in sustainable agriculture of the EU project BioBoosters
Matthias Liess NAP ©BMEL Prof. Dr. Matthias Liess advises German Government
The aquatic ecologist (Department ETOX) was appointed to the strategic advisory committee for the German government's National Action Plan for Plant Protection (NAP) in the field of ecosystem/environmental toxicology.
PFAS Innovation Forum © A. Künzelmann PFAS Innovation Forum 2024 at the UFZ
Under the motto "PFAS in the environment - finding solutions together", 135 participants met at the KUBUS in Leipzig on 4 March 2024.
Hydrogen © Anna Luckow/UFZ New: Hydrogen measurement in the natural gas network is possible
A research team has developed a low-cost sensor for measuring hydrogen in
the natural gas grid. This is an important step towards the future of the hydrogen economy.
Aerial view of the Markranstädt wastewater treatment plant © Leipziger Gruppe UFZ project: Sustainable phosphorus recovery
In a new paper, a UFZ research team presents a sustainable process for phosphorus recovery. They were able to test it on a large scale. The result: a bio-based, phosphorus-rich fertiliser.
Biofilms © Bühler, Philipp, Ulber & Gescher, 2023 / UFZ Review on the usefulness of biofilms
Biofilms offer advantages – especially in the production of bulk and fine chemicals. In a new review, UFZ researchers provide an insight into the research topics and challenges of biofilms.
Team CapUp, Quelle DBFZ Chemicals for the bio-economy from agro-industrial residues
CapUp project launched - A research team from the UFZ and DBFZ, together with industrial partners, is transferring the production process for caproic and caprylic acid from regional biomass to pilot scale
Where to Play © Sharon Tal Exclusive 'Where to Play' Certification for the UFZ Tech Transfer team
Unlock your innovation's full potential with the exclusive 'Where to Play' method. Learn to identify, evaluate, and prioritize market opportunities with confidence
Figure Plug Flow Reactor © Hoffstadt et al/UFZ New way to methanise hydrogen
The research team was able to demonstrate promising methods for the power-to-gas approach. The challenge: the sustainable storage of surplus renewable energy. Their solution: a plug-flow reactor.
Figure CFD Model © Altendorf et al/UFZ Indoor air quality: CFD models optimise radon reduction in homes
Advances in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are playing a crucial role in predicting airflow in ventilated spaces and assessing indoor air quality.
Figure Phenol removal © Dai et al/UFZ Phenol removal with sustainable technology
The results of the UFZ research team indicate that microbial electrochemical technologies can be successfully used for the removal of phenol.


EcoInnovate Summit credits: Milina Alber/UFZ Science meets Business at the EcoInnovate Summit
On 2 November 2023 the UFZ co-hosted the EcoInnovate Summit together with HHL DIGITAL SPACE - The Digital Transformation Platform with the aim of bringing science and business together.
FE-Zeolite © Georgi et al / UFZ Zeolite for the treatment of contaminated groundwater
An important step towards application has been achieved with the development of an adsorbent solid bed that can be regenerated on site. The aim: to remove chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) from contaminated groundwater.
Green facades © Knifka et al / UFZ UFZ research: Green facade implementation in large cities
Vertical greening is an innovative way to make large cities more sustainable. Nevertheless, it is rarely used. A UFZ research team was able to identify 24 barriers that stand in the way of vertical greening.
Greywater treatment © Müller et al /UF Interesting study on grey water recycling
The study investigates the implementation of a multifunctional, nature-based solution (NBS) for decentralised greywater treatment and reuse in cities.
Technical Scale Electrolysis © Harnisch et al/UFZ Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuels – the new UFZ approach
New results in search for greener and more sustainable aviation alternatives. A new research project has shown that it is possible to produce alternative aviation fuels from biomass.
HoMe Summer School 2023 Summer School - Circular Economy & Entrepreneurship
In September, the Merseburg HoMe Startup Service team and the UFZ StartUp Office organised an interesting programme as part of the Summer School on Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship.
Foto Garne aus Nylon Project launched to produce bio-based nylon
In the LigNylon project, scientists from the UFZ and the University of Leipzig are working together with DOMO Caproleuna GmbH, a partner from industry, to produce "green" nylon with the help of electrons and microbes.
Foto Dr. Flávio Baleeiro Dr. Flávio Baleeiro has received the Helmholtz Doctoral Award
Every year, the Helmholtz Association awards prizes for the best and most original doctoral theses in its six research fields. Dr. Flávio Baleeiro received the award for a novel biotechnological process he developed for the further use of CO2 and CO.
UFZ Innovation Forum 2023 Business meets science at the 1st UFZ Innovation Forum "Pathways to Sustainability"
On 3 July 2023, 75 experts met at KUBUS in Leipzig to discuss sustainable manufacturing processes and energy, heat and wastewater concepts.
©: Reichelt Kommunikationsberatung, NEU e. V. Blue-green infrastructures – an approach between desire, necessity and sensitivities
On 28 June 2023, another economic talk was held by the Natural Resources Cluster Team of the Energy and Environment Network (NEU e. V.) focusing on blue-green infrastructures and their ability to make cities more resilient to climate change.
Logo BAM BAM! Bock auf Morgen - UFZ scientist founds company with marketing experts
Friedrich Bohn, a passionate scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, has founded the company BAM! Bock auf Morgen together with marketing experts.
Schriftzug PFAS UFZ approaches to solving the PFAS problem in the environment
PFAS are used by industry in the manufacture of many products. But they accumulate in the body and the environment. The UFZ is therefore developing approaches for environmental monitoring, toxicological assessment and removal of toxic PFAS from the environment and waste streams.
Unitary patent certificate UFZ receives its first European unitary patent
The "Process for the production of carboxylic acids under non-sterile conditions" was granted as the first unitary patent at the UFZ by the European Patent Office.
Team CapUp, Quelle DBFZ Chemicals for the bio-economy from agro-industrial residues
CapUp project launched - A research team from the UFZ and DBFZ, together with industrial partners, is transferring the production process for caproic and caprylic acid from regional biomass to pilot scale
Traktor pflügt Feld New strategic partnership established
The UFZ and the start-up Membran Tech GmbH agree on a partnership for the development of a novel tensiometer for large-scale measurement of water potential.
Grafik aus data-app Marine metagenome data made easily accessible to researchers
Find marine metagenome samples with curated metadata and conduct metastudies on marine microbiomes using the powerful, publicly accessible MarineMetagenomeDB.
Grafik UFZ-Preise, Quelle UFZ 2022 UFZ Awards presented for Technology Transfer, Knowledge Transfer and Young Scientists Award for Applied Research
Every year, the UFZ honours outstanding achievements of its employees who are finding ways to reconcile a healthy environment with social development