Data & Visualization / Research Data Management
The Research Data Management (RDM) unit supports and promotes centre-wide activities for the provision and reuse of research data in accordance with the FAIR principles. RDM is involved in cross-centre research activities with a focus on research data management (e.g. Helmholtz Earth and Environment DataHub/Link) and supports national (e.g. National Research Data Infrastructure, NFDI/Link) and international (e.g. EOSC/Link) research data infrastructures and initiatives.

VisLab - 3D centre
VisLab offers the possibility to explore and analyse complex and heterogeneous spatial data sets.

EVE cluster
EVE is a High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster at the UFZ and provides the possibility for the scientists to run big and complex calculations.

Research Data Management
The handling of research data is a core component of good scientific practice. This is where Research Data Management (RDM) offers support to UFZ researchers.