Lake Microbiology

Third party funding

Funding Title Duration
German Research Foundation Gas bubbles in freshwater ecosystems: origin, fate, and bubble-mediated transport (Bubble) (DFG database). 10.2019 - 9.2023
German Research Foundation Meteorological Drivers of Mass and Energy Exchange between Inland Waters and the Atmosphere (MEDIWA) 11.2020 - 11.2023

Further projects

Gleon Project GasHype

GHG emissions from river Elbe (Moses GHG)

greenhouse gas emissions from dry freshwater systems (dryflux): The role of terrestrial vegetation growing on dry aquatic systems on carbon cycling and CO2 emissions on a global scale.

greenhouse gas emissions from drinking water reservoirs ( poster )

Diurnal CO2 flux variation across latitudinal gradients (DC flux)

Methane production in oxic water (MetOx)


title author year university
Reaktionen von 'Plastisphere'-Bakterien gegenüber Auslaugungen und Additiven von Plastikprodukten Nora Siegelt 2024 Fakutät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik der Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
Analysis of Polyamide Microplastics using Multispectral Imaging Flow Cytometry Sara Arshad 2023 Technical University of Chemnitz
Experimental evaluation of greenhouse gas concentrations and turnover in the freshwater surface micro layer Hannah Sophie Mihm 2022 Uni Braunschweig (bachelor)
Bakterienisolate von Plastik und ihre Fähigkeit zur Biofilmbildung auf Mikroplastik Nora Siegelt 2022 Magdeburg University
Interactions of microplastic fibers, freshwater bacteria and zooplankton Arne Aljoscha Pfennig 2022 University of Potsdam
Mechanisms of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Dry Sediments of the River Elbe Lelaina Teichert 2021 Uni Münster (master)
Biogeochemical processes governing microplastic transport in freshwater reservoirs Rico Leiser 2021 Uni Potsdam (PhD)
Sealing leaks in the plumbing: Gaseous carbon emissions from dry inland waters on global and local scales Philipp Keller 2021 Uni Landau (PhD)
Mikroplastik im Sediment des Muldestausees Marina Weiss 2019 University of Leipzig (master)
Partikel besiedelnde Mikroorganismen in einer Brauchwasser-Talsperre Franziska Reggelin 2019 Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences (master)
Kultivierung und Identifizierung aquatischer Mikroorganismen aus Plastik-Biofilmen Tatjana Gaudl   (master)
Role of the sediments for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in drinking water reservoirs Tallent Dadi 2017 Uni Halle (PhD)
Microbial colonization and degradation of conventional and biodegradable polymers in lake water and sediment Maria Riese 2017 Uni Trier (master)

Finished projects

Funding Title Duration
Ruhrverband Greenhosuse gas emissions from two German reservoirs (TreMöBi) 2023-2024
CAS-DAAD Spatial heterogeneity of greenhouse gas emissions from lotic systems: scaling from site-specific to riverine continuum 2021-2023
BMBF MikroPlaTaS 2018-2021
DFG Greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs (TREGATa) 2016-2020
BMBF TALKO 2012-2015
DFG biogeochemical fluxes and turnover at pelagic redoxclines in lakes (RedoxFlux) 2011-2015
HAI sulfur cycle in oil sands tailings ponds 2010-2015
LMBV optimization of nitrification to eliminate ammonium from a neutralised pit lake (SeNi) 2011-2013
CICYT biogeochemistry of meromictic pit lakes in Spain 2009-2012
DBU Microbial in-situ-neutralisation of acidic mine pit lakes 04/2002-11/2005
VW foundation Limnology and biogeochemistry of volcanic acidic waters in the watershed of the Andean volcano Copahue (Argentina, Chile) 02/2003-11/2005